Killer Arm Strength Workout for Baseball Players

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Short Summary

  1. Justin from Ultimate Baseball Training presents part two of an arm strength workout aimed at improving velocity and accuracy for baseball players.
  2. The video emphasizes the importance of consistent practice for developing arm strength.
  3. The workout begins with a dynamic warm-up, including exercises like sprinting, high knees, butt kicks, and arm circles to prepare the body for throwing.
  4. Justin introduces YWL rotator cuff exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles, demonstrating various movements including the “empty cans” exercise.
  5. Next, he demonstrates medicine ball throws, suggesting the use of a medicine ball or any heavy object for throwing exercises.
  6. Different throwing motions are shown, including turning and throwing against a wall and overhead throws aimed at the ground.
  7. Justin outlines a throwing progression starting from a kneeling position and gradually increasing the distance between partners.
  8. He encourages incorporating wrist movements before using the arm and eventually standing up to throw.
  9. A long toss drill called “Turn and Burn” is introduced, where players backpedal before turning to throw the ball long distances.
  10. The instructor discusses two throwing techniques: “Turn and Burn” for generating velocity and “Run and Gun” for making powerful throws while running forward.

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