Baseball Throwing Tips – Throw Harder and More Accurate

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Short Summary

  1. Coach Justin from Ultimate Baseball Training shares tips to enhance baseball throwing accuracy and velocity.
  2. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a good throwing position, with hands in front of the chest and a proper four-seam grip.
  3. Players should keep their feet, shoulders, and hips squared to the target to improve accuracy, especially when fielding ground balls.
  4. Justin advises against bringing the ball out of the glove with fingers facing the target; instead, he recommends pointing fingers down initially and then rotating them behind before the throw.
  5. During the throw, players should bring their chest toward the glove while keeping the elbow directed at the target.
  6. To increase velocity, he suggests a relaxed wrist and snapping motion with the fingers, ensuring the index and middle fingers feel friction against the ball.
  7. Players should follow through by pointing their hand toward the target after releasing the ball to enhance accuracy.
  8. The speaker explains the proper technique for throwing a baseball, highlighting wrist pronation and finger positioning.
  9. He uses Derek Jeter as an example, noting how Jeter points his fingers downward toward the target upon release.
  10. The techniques discussed aim to improve both velocity and accuracy in throwing, and viewers are encouraged to practice these tips.

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