Baseball throwing drill – Shoulder rotation One knee

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Short Summary

  1. The speaker demonstrates a throwing technique.
  2. Players should position themselves 20 to 25 feet away from the target.
  3. Players kneel with the glove side knee raised and the toe pointed at the target.
  4. The foot should be aligned under the knee, and the trunk must remain upright.
  5. The throwing side hip should be vertical during the throw.
  6. Players are instructed to raise their arms to a goal post position before throwing.
  7. The throwing motion is similar to a shoulder rotation drill.
  8. Players should keep their elbow elevated and tap their shoulder during the throw.
  9. Proper ball spin is emphasized for effective throwing.
  10. Players should finish the throw with their shoulders aligned with the target and hands resting on the glove side hip.

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