Short Summary
- Trevor Tyson from K-Bands Training discusses a drill focused on improving footwork for base stealing using a reactive stretch cord.
- He emphasizes the importance of accelerating at maximum speed during the drill.
- The first part involves using an adjustable belt to create resistance while practicing lead-offs and sprints toward second base.
- An anchor person helps by timing their pull of the cord to provide assistance.
- The stretch cord extends 20 feet and is ideal for overspeed training.
- The second part of the drill simulates a dive back to first base after an overthrow, where athletes lay flat and then explode into a sprint.
- Athletes are encouraged to utilize their arms effectively during the sprint.
- Tyson recommends completing six to eight repetitions of both lead-off and dive back sprints for a comprehensive workout.
- The drills aim to enhance agility and speed for better base stealing performance.
- This training method helps athletes develop quick reactions and improve their overall base running skills.