Speed; Agility Training for Baseball, Vol. 1

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In this video, Coach Standback from Baseball Strength discusses exercises to improve lateral movement efficiency for baseball players. He emphasizes the importance of strength as a precursor to speed, explaining that strength translates into power, which then leads to faster movement. The session begins with a weight shift lunge, where players keep their heels grounded while shifting their weight from one leg to the other, promoting flexibility and mobility. This drill is particularly beneficial for catchers and first basemen. Next, he introduces a lateral lunge, where players lunge to touch a box with their cheek, focusing on maintaining an upright posture. Once flexibility is developed, players can add weight to increase the challenge. The final exercise is a crossover lunge, simulating game situations like making a backhand play or accelerating during a stolen base. Throughout these movements, maintaining proper alignment of hips, toes, shoulders, and chin is crucial. Coach Standback encourages players to integrate these exercises into their training to enhance their lateral speed and prepares them for more explosive movements in future videos.

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