Coaching Baseball – Drills and Skills – Baserunning

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Short Summary

  1. The segment emphasizes the importance of base running as a fundamental skill in baseball.
  2. Players should always run through first base, as this action occurs most frequently in games.
  3. To practice, players will line up at home plate, simulate hitting, and run straight through first base, guided by a coach’s signal.
  4. Cones will be set up beyond the base to encourage players to run past and turn right, avoiding potential plays.
  5. After practicing running through first base, players will learn to take a turn at first in preparation for advancing to second base.
  6. Players will practice turning toward the dugout to make a tight turn while keeping their eyes on the ball to avoid being tagged out.
  7. The coach will provide loud instructions during these drills, emphasizing the importance of maintaining focus on the ball.
  8. As players progress, they will learn to angle out toward second base and look to the third base coach for guidance on whether to slide or take a turn at second.
  9. The drills will culminate in a practice where players run the bases as if hitting a home run, energizing them and reinforcing the skills learned.
  10. This practice helps to solidify the essential skills of base running and prepares players for game situations.

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